(To view a PDF file containing the instructions shown on this page, click here.)


The manuscript should not exceed 5000 words in length (excluding references) and should include a maximum of five figures. Please use color artwork only when necessary, because this increases the cost of the print version.

Please submit your manuscript online at We will distribute manuscripts to the appropriate Editor and contact you to request any revisions they require within 4–6 weeks. After you have made appropriate changes, please upload the revised manuscript on the site.

Note that the initial submission may be a single PDF file, but you must supply the original source files for text and figures when uploading the revised version.


Include: Title page that includes title, authors, departments, institutions, city, state (country), zip code, telephone and fax number(s) and e-mail addresses, and suggested short title (50 characters and spaces) for running head. If more than one author and institution are given, please indicate each author�s affiliation. Indicate which author will be the corresponding author, that is , the author who will be responsible for receiving and returning proofs.

Arrange manuscript pages in the following order:

  • Title page
  • Abstract (100 — 140 words)
  • Introduction
  • Main text, including subheadings
  • Concluding remarks
  • Acknowledgments
  • References
  • Figure Legends
  • Tables


How to Style References

All references in the reference list should be double-spaced and arranged alphabetically by last name of the first author. If using more than one reference by the same author in the same year, please label �a� and �b� next to the date on the list as well as in the text citation. Do not use a numbered reference list or cite by number in the text. Make sure that all references cited are included in the reference list and that all references listed are cited in the text. If you are using EndNote, please select the Genes and Development style.

Reference Citations in Text

Cite author and year in text. Use �et al.� for more than two authors. If more than one paper is cited, place in chronological order (Smith 1994; Brown 1995; Jones et al. 1996). For citations of unpublished work or personal communication, provide names and first initials—for example (P Jones, unpubl.) or (P Jones, pers. comm.). These will not be listed in the reference list, which is to contain only published work.

Reference List

1. See Sample Reference List below for style.

2. Include the following:

a. Journal articles: Provide all authors� names (do not use �et al.� or three em dashes), year, article title, journal title (italic), volume number (bold), and inclusive page numbers. For online-only journals or published-ahead-of-print papers, provide a DOI number.

b. Books: Provide all author/editors� names (do not use �et al.�), chapter title, book title (italic), names of editors, volume or edition (if any), inclusive page numbers, publisher, and city of publication.

3. List multiple authors as follows: Brown D, Smith JG, White AS, Jones LR.

4. Alphabetize according to author�s last name.

Sample Reference List

Ahnn J,Fire A 1994. A screen for genetic loci required for body-wall muscle development during embryogenesis in Caenorhabditis elegans. Genetics 137: 483–498.

Ahringer J. 1991. �Post-transcriptional regulation of fem-3, a sex-determining gene of C. elegans.� PhD thesis, University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Barstead RJ, Waterston RH. 1991a. Vinculin is essential for muscle function in the nematode. J Cell Biol 114: 715–724.

Barstead RJ, and Waterston RH. 1991b. Cloning, sequencing, and mapping of an α-actinin gene from the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Cell Mobil Cytoskel 20: 69–78.

Chalfie M Jr, Thomson JN, Sulston JE. 1983. Induction of neuronal branching in C. elegans. Science 221: 61–63.

Fischmann DA, Vaughn K, Weber F, Einheber S. 1991. Myosin binding proteins: Intracellular members of the immunoglobulin super family. In Frontiers of muscle research: Muscle contraction and muscle dystrophy (ed. E Ozawa et al.), Vol. 1, pp. 211–222. Elsevier, Amsterdam.

Gerhart J. 1980. Mechanisms regulating formation in the amphibian egg and early embryo. In Biological regulation and development (ed. RF Goldberger), Vol. 1, pp. 133-316. Plenum, New York.

Johnson J. 2000. The mouse. In Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Meeting of Mouse Genetics, p. 83. Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME.

Komissarova N and Kashlev M 2009. Arrest of transcription: Escherichia coli RNA polymerase translocates backward, leaving the 3' end of the RNA intact and extruded. Proc Natl Acad Sci (in press).

Levesque M. 2007. A microRNA feedback circuit in midbrain dopamine neurons. PloS ONE 2: e1227. doi:10.1371/journal.pone/0001227.

Proudfoot LJ, Kusel JR, Smith HV, Kennedy MW. 1993a. External stimuli and intracellular signaling in the modification of the nematode surface during transmission to the mammalian host environment. Parasitology 107: 559–556.

Proudfoot LJ, Kusel JR III, Smith HV, Harnett W, Worms MJ, Kennedy MW, Johnson AB, Thomas E, Lin X, Corbett K, et al. 1993b. Rapid changes in the surface of parasitic nematodes during transition from pre- to post-parasitic forms. Parasitology 107: 107–117.

Sive HL, Grainger M, and Harland RM. 2000. Early development of Xenopus laevis: A laboratory manual. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, New York.


1. We can only accept your final electronic art as an EPS or TIFF file (you may supply a PDF at initial submission as noted above, however). Virtually all common artwork programs are capable of saving files in these formats. These options can normally be found under the �Save As�� or �Export�� commands in the �File� menu. (See specific instructions below on saving your files in the most common programs.)

2. All images should be saved in CMYK (color), grayscale (halftones), or bitmap (black and white line art) mode. If your image has fluorescent colors, you can submit the artwork in RGB. Since many readers will view articles as PDF files printed out in black-and-white, avoid using color to distinguish elements in figures where this can instead be achieved by use of gray shades or dashed lines.

3. Image resolution is critical to the clarity and sharpness of the final printed piece. Image resolution should be set at 300 DPI for color and grayscale artwork. All line art (bitmap images) should be 1200 DPI. When supplying images please make sure the files are at the correct resolution. Any figures that do not meet the above requirement may be returned for a better quality image.

4. Use Helvetica postscript font in point sizes no smaller than 6 pt type and no larger than 10�11 pt type. All main type in artwork should be 8 pt. Please make sure all fonts are embedded in the image. CSHL Press strives to make all artwork look consistent online and in printed form. To achieve this, it is important to use the Helvetica postscript font as well as follow the directions below for creating your artwork (see Creating Your Artwork).

5. If your figure has multiple parts (more than one image in the figure), please make sure the part labels (A, B, C, D) are 9 pt Helvetica bold, cap.

6. Authors may mail a print of their artwork if they are concerned that elements might not convert accurately during production.

7. Please make sure that your files are properly labeled by figure number and format (e.g., Fig_1.tif or Fig_2.eps) and that the printout is properly labeled and corresponds to the file name.

8. Upload only final art files that have been carefully proofread. Do not embed figure legends in the art files. All figure legends should be placed at the end of the manuscript. Do not embed figures within the text files. For example, figures should not be embedded in a Word file. The figures should be separate files.

Saving Files in Illustrator and Photoshop

Adobe Illustrator

1. Under the File menu, choose save as, format (Illustrator EPS).

2. Click save and a window comes up.

3. Save as �Illustrator EPS.�

4. Under options, click include document fonts, click include document thumbnails.

5. Preview should be checked as 8-bit Macintosh.

6. Click okay.

7. In case we have trouble with your file, please download all fonts on the disk that were used in creating your artwork. The preview box is very important. Make sure it is checked off as 8-bit Macintosh.

If your artwork is in 4-color, please make sure you create the artwork using CMYK (not RGB) colors.

Adobe Photoshop

1. Under the File menu, choose save as, format (TIFF).

2. Click save.

3. Under TIFF options check Macintosh; do not check LZW compression.

4. Click okay.

If your artwork is in 4-color, please make sure you create the artwork using CMYK colors (not RGB or Pantone colors). Please make sure the resolution is set at 300 dpi.

Creating artwork

1. Please create your artwork at exact size. The trim size of this publication is 7 x 10�, double column layout. Artwork should be no larger than 2 �� wide (6.35 cm) to fit in single column and can go up to 5 �� wide (13.97 cm) to go across both columns. Artwork should be no longer than 7 � (17.78 cm).

2. All type should be set in Helvetica postscript font. Optimum point size for type should be 7.5 pt. Type sizes can vary but should range no smaller than 6 pt type and no larger than 10 pt type. Labels should be in sentence case.

3. Part labels (A, B, C, D) should be 9 pt. Helvetica bold, cap.

4. All fonts should be embedded in the file.

5. Line widths (as well as dotted lines and lines with arrows) should be .5 pt to .75 pt as the basic line weight for drawing, with heavier or lighter line weights for emphasis.

6. If you are bringing TIFF images into Illustrator, make sure �include placed files� is checked in the options box.

7. When creating tints (shades of black or color), please make sure you do not go above 20% when type is placed over the tinted area (unless the text is knocked out to white). All color artwork should be created in CMYK mode.

8. Color choices should be harmonious throughout. There should be consistency of color choice, tone, density, and hue for each article. Avoid the use of �neon� colors. No color panels should be used for backgrounds. Shading and highlighting should be subtle.

Overprinting Black and Colors

Overprint black ink to aid in registration. Because black ink is opaque (and usually the last to be printed), it does not look much different when printed over a color as opposed to a white background. Overprinting black can prevent gaps from appearing between black and colored areas of your artwork.

  • Overprint when the artwork does not share common ink colors and you want to create a trap or overlaid ink effects. When overprinting process color mixes or custom colors that do not share common ink colors, the overprint color is added to the background color. For example, if you print a fill of 100% magenta over a fill of 100% cyan, the overlapping fills appear violet, not magenta.

  • After you set overprinting options, you should use the Overprint Preview mode (View > Overprint Preview) to see an approximation of how the overprinting colors will print. You should also carefully check overprinted colors on separated artwork using integral proofs (where each separation is shown in register on a single piece of paper) or overlay proofs (where the separations are shown in register on separate plastic sheets stacked on top of each other).

  • Under the Help menu in Illustrator, directions for implementing overprinting are clearly explained.


Supply a brief table title and, where necessary, an explanatory legend as a footnote. Each column should have an appropriate heading. Please supply all tables in Word format (not as figures/images).


Legends for figures and tables should start with a short title that describes what is shown. The remainder of the legend should be as brief as possible and should not contain experimental detail.
Parts of figures should be labeled with capital letters, �A�, �B�, �C�, etc. and should be explained in the legend, not on the figure itself. Symbols should also be explained in the legend only. Please indicate clearly if the figure or table is taken from elsewhere (e.g., Reprinted [or Modified], with permission, from Proudfoot et al. 1993a.) and obtain permission to reprint (see below).


Please feel free to include movies to accompany the online version. You should first contact the Production Manager to establish whether the file format and size are acceptable. Be sure to include a descriptive legend.


It is your responsibility to obtain permission (from the copyright holder) to reproduce or modify any figure or table that has been previously published and forward a copy of the permission to the Project Manager. Note that we need both print and nonprint (online) media rights. The figure or table legend should contain the relevant permission statement information (e.g., Reprinted [or Modified or Redrawn or Adapted], with permission, from author and year.) and a complete reference must appear in the Reference List. Authors must also obtain permission to reprint material from WWW sites from the Webmaster of that site.


Conflicts of Interest Upon acceptance, each author is required to declare any conflict of interest or competing financial interest that may be perceived as contributing to potential bias. Examples would be funding for a research program or employment by or stocks or shares in one or more organizations that may be financially affected by the publication of this paper, as well as patents or patent applications whose value may be affected by the publication of this paper.

Protection of Human Subjects and Animals in Research Where data from experiments involving animals or human subjects are shown, authors must demonstrate that these were in accordance with the ethical standards of the relevant institutional and national committees for such matters.

Informed Consent Where identifying information, such as patients� names, initials, or hospital numbers, is shown, authors must demonstrate that the patient (or parent or guardian) has given written informed consent for publication and been shown the manuscript prior to publication.

Attribution and Plagiarism Authors must endeavor to ensure that previously published work is appropriately acknowledged and cited correctly. Where statements made in previously published work are reproduced verbatim, this should be indicated by the use of quotation marks (""), and an accompanying reference must be provided. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press reserves the right to employ automated tools to identify any instances of plagiarism and withdraw the contribution if this is detected.