Ras signaling and Lung Cancer
Ras signaling and Lung Cancer In the March 15th issue of Genes & Development, Dr. Tyler Jacks (MIT) and colleagues lend new insight into the contribution that the ras oncogene makes to developmental disorders and cancer. The researchers studied a common, cancer-associated activating mutation of K-ras in the mouse to ascertain how oncogenic K-ras signaling perturbs lung development and may promote neoplasia. They found that Sprouty-2 regulates oncogenic K-ras activity in the developing lung through downregulation of MAPK activity, and posit that Sprouty-2 may function as a tumor suppressor in K-ras-driven lung tumors. Genes & Development is a publication of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. The Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory is a private, non-profit, basic research and educational institution. Scientists at the Laboratory conduct groundbreaking research in cancer, neurobiology, plant molecular genetics, genomics and bioinformatics. The Laboratory is recognized internationally for its educational activities, which include an extensive program of scientific meetings and courses that attract more than 8000 scientists to the campus each year. For more information about the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, visit http://www.cshl.org or call the Department of Public Affairs at (516) 367-8455. Contact: Heather Cosel-Pieper Genes & Development Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory tel. (516) 422-4018 fax (516) 422-4093