Archive of renowned monograph series in molecular and cellular biology is released online
The Cold Spring Harbor Monograph Archive provides nearly 40 years of authoritative reviews on a range of topics in the molecular life sciences COLD SPRING HARBOR, N.Y. (Oct. 29, 2009) – Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press has just released the Cold Spring Harbor Monograph Archive, a complete online collection of its prestigious scholarly monographs.� The 59-volume archive includes all monographs published by CSHL Press from 1970 to 2009, and spans a range of topics in molecular and cellular biology, addressing questions of evolution, aging, cancer biology, neuroscience, and fundamental biological processes in a variety of organisms—from viruses and microbes to plants and animals. "There is no more valuable archive on the development of molecular biology from its origins in the 1960s to its applications in biology and medical research in the current decade," says John Inglis, Executive Director of CSHL Press.� "For the first time, these valuable books—already in many libraries' holdings—are available electronically.� This not only frees shelf space but also permits the content of these monographs to be searched and used outside of the library's print collection." Each volume provides an in-depth survey of a particular field and was written and edited by authoritative scientists in that field.� Popular volumes include the classics The Bacteriophage Lambda and The Molecular Biology of Tumor Viruses as well as the more recent Molecular Biology of Aging, Stem Cell Biology, Prion Biology and Diseases, and DNA Replication and Human Disease.� The new online archive, available at, will be useful to researchers actively working in these disciplines as well as historians and educators of biology interested in the development of these fields. Permanent access to the entire collection can be purchased by institutions for a one-time fee, with institutional access controlled by IP address. Discounts are available for libraries that have bought previous monograph volumes, and for libraries that purchase the archive before December 31, 2010. �Each chapter is also available for individual purchase via credit card as a downloadable PDF.� Information about every book, including tables of contents and chapter extracts, is freely available.� The archive is searchable by subject, author, and title.� CSHL Press partnered with the Public Knowledge Project (PKP) to host the archive. The PKP ( is a research and development initiative directed toward improving the scholarly and public quality of academic research through the development of innovative online publishing and knowledge-sharing environments. � For complete information on the Cold Spring Harbor Monograph Archive please visit # # # About Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory is a private, nonprofit institution in New York that conducts research in cancer and other life sciences and has a variety of educational programs. Its Press, originating in 1933, is the largest of the Laboratory's five education divisions and is a publisher of books, journals, and electronic media for scientists, students, and the general public.� For more information, visit Contact: Stephanie Novara, Journals Marketing Manager [email protected] ; 516-422-4070